What type of project is this?
Measure your concrete area to be cleaned by the foot.
Great! Continue on below.
Measure your deck's area, and add as many deck areas as you like, we offer volume discounts!
By answering these questions, we get a good idea of how long it will take to get your deck looking great again!
Different types of materials and coatings, such as paint, require different types of applications and cleaning techniques.
Remember: If an area is irregularly shaped it is always best to measure the widest and longest spots that would fit the area into a square. We can adjust as necessary. Also, break an area down into a few smaller areas if it is helpful in measuring the area.
Brick: A brick is rectangular in shape and made of clay or some other very porous material.
Paver: A paver is could be any number of shapes and sizes. It will be made of concrete and not very porous at all.
Be sure to count each pane and not just windows, regardless of size. A pane is defined as any bordered piece of glass that has a frame around it.
Learn how to count your windowpanes: https://washmasterscleaning.com/countingwindows.html
*storm windows not included
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